How much is it?
How much does it cost?
There are two ways to describe a price.
1) $2.50 = Two dollars and fifty cents2) $2.50 = Two fifty
EXPLANATION OF WORD STRESS IN NUMBERS There are several stress patterns when saying numbers. IF there is a PAUSE after –teen , then this second syllable receives the main stress. The first syllable has secondary stress. I need eighteen . There is a period after eighteen; therefore, a pause comes after the number. That is why the stress is on TEEN. When you are telling time, you put the stress on TEEN because there is a pause after you say the time: 5:15. Five fifTEEN How old are you? I am thirTEEN . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. TEEN will not be the primary stress when the sentence continues.
Primary stress I need eighteen letters. The stress will normally be on EIGHT because the sentence continues.
3.Stress the first syllable of a –teen number when it is the first part of a year; -teen has secondary stress. 1850 (eighteen fifty) 1920 (nineteen twenty
4. Many speakers stress the first syllable of a –teen number when the next word begins with a stressed syllable; -teen has a secondary stress. There are THIRteen ENvelopes on the desk.
5. Both are accepted in this case!
18 Main Street (eighteen Main Street OR
eighteen Main Street) The t in teen has a clear [t]
These are general rules, but with numbers, you might here a variety of acceptable ways to pronounce them. Do your best to follow these rules so you will be clearly understood.
Numbers ending in -ty
The first syllable of numbers that end –ty is alwaysstressed. Twenty Sixty eighty For some, the t in –ty sounds like a “fast d” in American English. |
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