معرفی سایت آموزشی برای تقویت Listening

برای تقویت مهارت شنیداری می توانید  اینجا را  کلیک نمایید. 

بیان قیمت در انگلیسی


How much is it?

How much does it cost?

There are two ways to describe a price.

1) $2.50 = Two dollars and fifty cents

2) $2.50 = Two fifty

استرس اعداد در زبان انگلیسی


primary stress is in green

 There are several stress patterns when saying numbers.
1.The first stress pattern is with numbers  ending in     –teen  :

IF there is a PAUSE after   –teen , then this second syllable receives the main stress.    The first syllable has secondary stress.  

I need eighteen         .   There is a period after eighteen; therefore, a pause comes after the number.  That is why the stress is on TEEN.

When you are telling time, you  put the stress on TEEN because there is a pause after you say the time:   5:15.   Five fifTEEN        

How old are you?   I am thirTEEN        .    


I need eighTEEN.
It is five fifTEEN.
I am thirTEEN.




2. TEEN will not be the primary stress when the sentence continues.



Primary stress

I need eighteen letters.  The stress will normally be on EIGHT because the sentence continues. 


3.Stress the first syllable of a –teen number when it is the first part of a year-teen has secondary stress.

1850   (eighteen fifty)

1920   (nineteen twenty


4. Many speakers stress the first syllable of a –teen number when the next word begins with a stressed syllable; -teen has a secondary stress.

There are THIRteen ENvelopes on the desk.


5.  Both are accepted in this case!


18 Main Street (eighteen Main Street 



eighteen Main Street)

The t in teen has a clear [t]


These are general rules, but with numbers, you might here a variety of acceptable ways to pronounce them.   Do your best to follow these rules so you will be clearly understood.  


Numbers ending in -ty


The first syllable of numbers  that end –ty  is alwaysstressed.

Twenty              Sixty                eighty 

For some, the t in –ty sounds like a “fast d” in American English.


کتاب ورق زن پایه دهم

برای دریافت کتاب ورق زن پایه دهم  اینجا  را کلیک کنید 

سوالات کنکور 96

برای دریافت سوالات کنکور 96  اینجا  را کلیک کنید

How to Say Years in English

How to Say Years in English

How do people say years in English? For ESL learners, it is confusing and a little complicated. Let's take the year 2013 for example. Most people would read two thousand thirteen or two thousand and thirteen. Some may read twenty thirteen. Basically, we tend to read four-digit years as a pair of 2-digit numbers. For example, 1997 is nineteen ninety-seven. We read three- digit years as a pair or the way we count money. 763 is seven sixty-three or seven hundredn and  sixty three.

BC means before Christ. AD is the abbreviation of Anno Domini. 1970s means a period of ten years (a decade) from 1970 to 1979. We try to list the most common ways to read years. We hope that you will have a better understanding of reading years in English. To improve your listening, please listen over and over again.

    nineteen hundred      1900

کتاب " ترجمه؛ از نظریه تا عمل"

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